than traditional methods
thanks to its particular cover which resists to shearing and usury
on heating and cooling maximum prices
1 cm of CZ board is equivalent to 1 cm of EPS
Thermal conductivity is certificated
Fire resistance
than traditional methods
thanks to its particular cover which resists to shearing and usury
on heating and cooling maximum prices
1 cm of CZ board is equivalent to 1 cm of EPS
Thermal conductivity is certificated
Fire resistance
1000×550 mm
1000×350 mm
600×550 mm
550×350 mm
250×350 mm
150×350 mm
50×350 mm
1000×550 mm
1000×350 mm
600×550 mm
550×350 mm
250×350 mm
150×350 mm
50×350 mm
Not to mention the length over time of our houses.
Furthermore, Isolcore CZ panels fall under A2 band which means that they are incombustible and this makes them the right product when it comes to house construction.
Many people don’t give so much credit to this but when they go for EPS, polystyrene, graphite and polyurethane insulation materials they are placing combustible products on their homes. The consequences are well known thus it is recommended to limit these products purchasing.
CZ requires a specific installation and it can insulate any kind of building no matter the height.
Isolcore panels are easy to place especially because they are covered using the same false wall as it’s been using for 20 years.
Made with by STRIKETING